Tip for styling your property for sale

Here’s a tip for styling your property for sale. The only cost is about 20 minutes of your time.

If you are selling your property, how should you arrange your bookcase for the professional photo shoot and the viewings?

a) completely randomly

b) alphabetically

c) by subject

d) by colour

e) by height


Here’s a bookcase before we set to work on it. The books are arranged by subject with all the cookery books on the top shelf. Whilst this might be a useful way to arrange your books it is not very appealing to the eye!

I took all the books off the shelves and sorted them by colour. You may notice that I’ve started with the white ones in the top left. I then decided to follow the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet). I wanted to keep the colourful books on the top two shelves. I arranged the black, grey and multicoloured books on the bottom shelf.

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Making an artwork out of your bookcase is a fun thing to do and it will look much better in your marketing pictures too. When you colour co-ordinate your books you instantly have a much brighter and appealing bookcase.

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